Happy 2025! We hope you had a smooth transition into the new year and are already making progress on your new year resolutions, whatever they may be. This is a good time to remind ourselves that not all goals need to be intellectually challenging, career climbing or even a personal improvement. It's just as, if not more, important to devote time and effort to looking after ourselves.
These types of goals might be aiming to spend less time working or studying, increasing sleep or down time, saving up for an extended vacation or working on relationships without any ulterior motives. So, if you have some room left in your 2025 program, consider some self-care or mental health goals to ensure you can achieve other items on your goals list by maintaining balance and allowing for recovery time.
On a less serious but important note, if you're not sure how to use your planners most effectively or overspent and have a couple spare, check out our latest YouTube video, 'Plan with me', full of gorgeous Japanese stationery and some of our secret planning tips!
Wishing you all a healthy, successful and personally peaceful year of making what you want happen!